September 3, 2014

Installing Baikal CalDAV calendar server on Raspberry Pi

In this post we will set up a lightly prepared Raspberry Pi to serve a calDAV calendar. We have previously looked at doing this on a Synology NAS, and overall, Baikal requires very similar steps taken to work on a different platform such as a Raspberry Pi.

There are a few things we will need right off the bat:

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-xmlrpc php5-curl
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite

In the /var/www folder, download and extract the "flat" package from Baikal's website:

sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo mv baikal-flat/ baikal/
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data baikal/
sudo chmod 755 baikal
cd baikal/
sudo chmod 755 Specific/
sudo chmod 755 Specific/db
sudo chmod 755 Specific/db/db.sqlite
sudo touch Specific/ENABLE_INSTALL

Once that's done, load up your Pi's IP address, http://192.168.0.xx/baikal/admin/install, and follow the Baikal install. Refer to this post from the Initialization Wizard steps onward if things get confusing.


  1. You misspelled sqlite. Should correct to:
    apt-get install sqlite

    1. Thanks for spotting the typo! Updated the post with your correction.

  2. I tried access the url of my pi through a browser using the ip address ending with "/baikal/admin/install" but it keeps giving me the error "Baikal Fatal Error: Both PDO::sqlite and PDO::mysql are unavailable. One of them at least is required by Baikal." Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Be sure that you have installed sqlite as above to your Pi. It looks like there is no database accessible to Baikal.

      The other possibility is that you might have missed one of the chown or chmod steps above, which means that Baikal can't read/write to the database either.

  3. I think I spotted the Problem: You didn't install the PHP-Module for SQLite (maybe this should be added in this post). Try "sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite" to fix this. Then restart apache.

    1. Thanks for commenting, the post is now updated. Cheers!
